Unimat series machines
This is the Teubert “standard” and is the workhorse of the group. The Unimat is a tie bar machine with filling and ejection typically on the fixed side.
TVZ series machines
Tiebarless design especially for molding applications requiring component inserting, generally with robotics.
TransTec series machines
The TransTec is a shuttle type machine without tiebars. This machine can be supplied with one or two shuttle platens. This series is generally used in applications where inserts are to be molded into the foam part.
Lost Foam machines
Teubert produces a line of machines specifically for Lost Foam pattern production.
Batch Pre-Expanders for Lost Foam
Teubert produces a limited series of batch pre-expanders which are specifically designed for Lost Foam or other applications where small throughput, extremely accurate density control, and ease of cleanout between different materials are desirable.
EPP Sun visor machines
Specially designed machines to produce ventless sun visors with in-molded inserts or "clam-shell" style.
EPS Insulation Board machines
Specialty machines to produce interlocking EPS insulation boards in various thicknesses.
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